
Rape of Nanking: 10 Shocking Facts of the Brutal Japanese Occupation of China

One of the most horrible events in history was the Rape of Nanking. Unspeakable atrocities were committed throughout the Yangtze Delta… And no one knows how many Chinese were butchered since the extent of the atrocities didn’t come to light until after the end of World War II. But, the memory of this massacre is […]

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The Japanese Occupation of Attu and Kiska: How the Alaskan People Recovered from Adversity

Few places on Earth are as rugged and remote as Alaska. With its towering mountains, vast glaciers, and frigid rivers. Alaska is a land of wilderness and extremes. Alaskans have always been tough and determined. Whether facing down grizzly bears or braving subzero temperatures, they have never backed down from a challenge.  … And that

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